Banner Photo: J. Andrew, Dream Upon Waking

The Cinema Department has established a path through the ‘hands-on” production courses starting with foundations and then progressing to intermediate and advanced courses. These prerequisites and corequisites ensure that students have the skill level necessary to succeed in a course. Common production prerequisites are CINE 24, 25 and 54. There are no prerequisites for film studies courses.

A student who has taken a production course at another institution or who has experience in the field and wishes to challenge a prerequisite or corequisite should email the instructor of the class they wish to waive and explain their situation. After approval from the instructor, the student should file a  as early as possible, but no later than the end of the add/drop period. 

In most cases, students will check the first box on the form, “The student has the knowledge or ability to succeed…” 

Then attach a transcript from your previous institution and a course description. Or submit a note (Word document etc.) describing any previous experience with equipment or on set. In both cases, if you have the permission of the instructor note it and upload a PDF of the relevant email communication.

If the challenge is approved, the student will receive an email letting them know they can enroll in the course; the student should retain his/her copy of the approved petition as proof of his/her eligibility. If the challenge is denied, the student will not be eligible for the course and may be dropped if already enrolled in the course.

Cinema Courses with Prerequisites

  • Prerequisite for CINE 25 Narrative Filmmaking:  
    • CINE 24 Basic Film Production
  • Prerequisite for CINE 54 Cinematography & Lighting:
    • Completion of or concurrent enrollment in CINE 25 Narrative Filmmaking
    • Note: Students cannot take CINE 24, 25, and 54 at the same time
  • Prerequisites for CINE 56 Introduction to Digital Film Editing:
    • CINE 24 Basic Film Production
  • Prerequisite for CINE 61 Sound for Motion Pictures II:
    • CINE 24 Basic Film Production 
    • CINE 25 Narrative Filmmaking
    • CINE 60 Sound for Motion Pictures I
  • Prerequisite for CINE 74 Advanced Cinematography & Lighting:
    • CINE 54 Cinematography & Lighting
  • Prerequisite for CINE 75B Intermediate Screenwriting:
    • CINE 75A Introduction to Screenwriting
  • Prerequisite for CINE 75C Advanced Screenwriting:
    • CINE 75B Intermediate Screenwriting
  • Prerequisite for CINE 126 Documentary Filmmaking:
    • CINE 24 Basic Film Production
  • Prerequisite for CINE 131 Directing Motion Pictures:
    • CINE 24 Basic Film Production 
    • CINE 25 Narrative Filmmaking
    • Completion of or concurrent enrollment in CINE 54 Cinematography & Lighting

Cinema Courses with No Prerequisites

  • CINE 24 Basic Film Production
  • CINE 30 Production Planning
  • CINE 57 Experimental Filmmaking
  • CINE 60 Sound for Motion Pictures I
  • CINE 72 Nonfiction Scriptwriting