
We will strive towards facilities being functional, reliable and user-friendly, clean and well maintained, attractive, and meet(s) accessibility standards for students with disabilities. Facilities should convey respect for the learning mission of the college and all members of the college community. As City College is an important crossroads in our very diverse city, facilities should be designed to promote community-building, critical thinking, creativity, and dialog.


Upcoming Meeting:

September 23, 2024 at 1:00 PM

Zoom Video Conference: 
Telephone: 1 (669) 900-6833 (US Toll) Meeting ID: 881 4346 9883

Meetings will be conducted via Zoom until further notice.

PLEASE NOTE: Requests for Public Comment must be submitted in advance, no later than 30 minutes before the start of the meeting, and must be no more than 150 words, via email to: Please submit the following information:

  1. Name
  2. Meeting Name and Date
  3. Agenda Item Number
  4. Comment (no more than 150 words)

At the appropriate time your name will be called, and you will be unmuted to speak. You will be allowed a maximum of 1 minute for your comment.

2024 Meeting Schedule

  • January 22
  • February 26
  • March 25
  • April 22
  • May 13
  • June 24
  • July 15
  • August 26
  • September 23
  • October 28
  • November 25
  • December 23

Agenda Minutes Recording Handouts/Information
February 26, 2024 Minutes
Classification Name Status
Administrator Alberto Vasquez Member, Chair
Administrator Kit Dai Member
Administrator Zachary Lam Member
Administrator Erin Denney Member
Administrator Vacant Alternate
Administrator Cherisa Yarkin Resource (Non-Voting)
Classified Colin Hall Member
Classified Maria Salazar-Colon Member
Classified Michael Snider Member
Classified (Unrepresented) Tim Ryan Member
Classified Edward Tang Alternate
Classified Jeffrey Kelley Alternate
Faculty Steven Brown Member, co-Chair
Faculty Thomas Menendez Member
Faculty Madeline Mueller Member
Faculty Jennifer Rudd Member
Faculty Alan D'Souza Alternate
Faculty Stephanie Robison Alternate
Faculty Anna-Lisa Helmy Alternate
Student Christina Michaud Member
Student Emily La Member
Student Israel Gutierrez Alternate
Student Angelica Campos Alternate