
The Curriculum Committee is a quadripartite committee, consisting of faculty, administrators, classified staff, and students:

  • See the
  • Twenty-two faculty are appointed by the Executive Council of the Academic Senate
  • Six administrators are appointed by the Chancellor (or his/her designee)
  • One classified staff member is appointed by SEIU
  • Three-year terms (Note--On 5/20/20 the ASEC approved a 2-year pilot membership not contingent upon academic areas. In April '22 that pilot was extended for another two years.)
  • Two students are appointed by the Executive Council of the Associated Students
  • Permanent positions (updated Sept '21): Articulation Officer, Educational Technology Department Chair, Requisites Coordinator, SLO Curriculum Liaison, CTE Curriculum Liaison, Curriculum Specialist, and resource positions (Chief Instructional Officer or Designee, Dean of Financial Aid & Special Programs, Associate Dean of Workforce Development, Associate Dean of Adult Education, Pathways Committee Chair)
  • The DEA Subcommittee is a Curriculum Committee workgroup comprised of faculty, including the Educational Technology Department Chair, the Curriculum Committee Chair, and the Distance Learning Coordinator. Like the Curriculum Committee, the DEA Subcommittee reviews curriculum documents, but their focus is on distance ed addenda to help ensure that the course methodology, integrity, and contact can meet current standards and that students can meet the learning outcomes in a fully or partially online environment. Addenda approved by this subcommittee are in accordance with California administrative code and regulation, specifically Title 5 (55200. Definition and Application; 55202. Course Quality Standards; 55204. Instructor Contact; 55206. Separate Course Approval) and meet the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.
  • The 亚洲疯情 GE and Grad Requirement Subcommittee is a Curriculum Committee workgroup comprised of faculty, including the Articulation Officer, Curriculum Committee Chair, and SLO Coordinator(s). The GE Subcommittee's focus is on envisioning how 亚洲疯情's local GE pattern should change to comply with new Title 5 regulations, include student perspectives, and aspire for more equitable outcomes.


Current members of the Curriculum Committee
  • Rebecca Ancheta -- Faculty: Area A -- Term ends Dec 2024
  • Stephanie Chenard -- Contract Ed and Extension Programs -- Term ends May 2024
  • Rachel Cohen -- Articulation Officer -- Permanent Position
  • Megan Corry -- Faculty -- Term ends May 2025
  • Erin Denney -- Administration -- Term ends 2025
  • Landi Ehnle -- Faculty: Area E --Term ends May 2023
  • Anna-Lisa Helmy -- Faculty: Area C -- Term ends 2025
  • Malcolm Hillan -- Faculty: Area H -- Term ends 2025
  • Linda Legaspi -- Faculty: Area C -- Term ends 2025
  • Alex Leyton -- Faculty: Area C -- Term ends 2025
  • Edith Kaeuper -- Administration -- Term ends 2025
  • Lisa King -- Requisites Coordinator -- Permanent Position
  • Craig Kleinman -- Committee Chair -- Permanent Position
  • Joy Lamboy -- Curriculum Specialist/CTE Liaison -- Permanent position
  • Jean Nanjo -- Faculty: Area B -- Term ends 2024
  • Allan Nuttall -- Faculty: Area E -- Term ends 2026
  • Nicole Oest -- Faculty: Area D -- Term ends 2024 
  • David Vika Palaita -- Faculty: Area A -- Term ends 2024
  • Nathan Steele -- Faculty: Area D -- Term ends 2025
  • Octavia Struve -- Faculty: Area E -- Term ends 2025
  • Fred Teti -- Distance Learning Chair -- Permanent Position (attends DEA Subcommittee)
  • Lily Ann Villaraza -- Faculty: Area A -- Term ends Dec 2025
  • Wanda Ziemba -- Faculty: Area E -- Term ends 2023
Resource Members
  • Tom Boegel -- Administration/Office of Instruction -- Permanent Position
  • Stephanie Chenard -- Associate Dean of Adult Education -- Permanent Position
  • John Halpin -- Associate Dean of Workforce Development -- Permanent Position
  • Monika Liu -- Dean of Enrollment Services -- Permanent Position
  • Lisa Romano -- Counseling --Term ends 2025
  • Guillermo Villanueva -- Dean of Financial Aid and Special Programs -- Permanent Position
Student Member(s)
  • Christina Michaud
  • Eddie Escoto
DEA Subcommittee Members
  • Fred Teti -- Educational Technology Chair -- Permanent Position
  • Megan Sweeney -- Area A -- Term ends Dec 2025
  • Kevin Sherman -- Distance Education Coordinator (resource member)
  • Sue Schall -- Area C resource member
  • Phong Pham -- Area E -- Term ends May 2023 
  • Andrea Niosi -- Area G -- Term ends Dec 2025
  • Amy Lawlor --Area C -- Term ends Dec 2025
  • Craig Kleinman -- Curriculum Chair (resource member)
GE & Grad Requirement Subcommittee Members
  • Rebecca Ancheta
  • Rachel Cohen
  • Diana Garcia-Denson
  • Lisa King
  • Craig Kleinman
  • Erlinda Legaspi
  • Alexandria Leyton
  • Jean Nanjo
  • Andrea Niosi
  • Nicole Oest
  • Janey Skinner
  • Nathan Lawless Steele